Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Canada's Geographic Position

Country Area (In sqaure Kilometres)

Russia 17,075,400
Canada 9,970,610
USA 9,809,378
China 8,584,492
Brazil 8,547,379
Australia 7,682,395
India 3,065,027
Argentina 2,766,889
Kazakhstan 2,717,300
Sudan 2,505,813
World 14,869,882

Country Percentage of total world land

Russia 11.48
Canada 6.71
USA 6.6
China 6.45
Brazil 5.75
Australia 5.17
India 2.06
Argentina 1.86
Kazakhstan 1.83
Sudan 1.69
World 100

Thursday, February 4, 2010

What I think will happen to Ana, Megan and Matthew

What I think will happen to Ana, Megan and Matthew
I think Megan and Matthew are going to continue dating for a little while. I don't think Megan will go on Vacation with Ana because Matthew told her not to, and Megan will still be scared of telling someone about her relationship. Ana isn't afraid about anything and goes to talk to Matthew, but Matthew freaks out about it. Now Matthew is abusing both Ana and Megan, and soon the girls will tell their parents about everything happening. Matthew and Megan are still going to be together but Megan has the strength to stand up to Matthew. The only way she could ever do it though, would to make up a lie. I think the best way to break up with Matthew without him hurting you would be... to tell him your gay. This way Matthew wouldn't hurt her for anything she did, he would just have to suck it up and move forward (hopefully). Afterwards Megan and Ana become best friends again, and Matthew would never look at Megan again.

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

A Slice Of My Life: What matters to me

Hello, My name is Megan and here are some things that really matter to me.
I have been involved with many sports ever since Kindergarten; playing soccer, field hockey and Swimming. I enjoy getting to now new people, sports are really important to me because it keeps me fit, healthy and I stay social.

Other things that are important to me are reading, piano, and(sometimes)school. I need to read because reading to me, helps my mind escape all the craziness happening in my life. Piano is also pretty important because I am trying to finish all the grades in order to teach younger kids. School I guess is pretty important because I enjoy spending time with my friends and learning new subjects in school. I think school is something very big in my life because right now I have to just focus on getting good grades and succeeding at every course I take in high school. It is really stressful because I'm basically telling myself that I'd better do good in school. Whatever and however I do in school all depends on what my future is going to look like so it really freaks me out and adds pressure.

I’m pretty sure one of the most important thing that matters to me is… Going on family vacations. Over the years we have gone all over the world and I really enjoy that for lots of reasons. First, I LOVE just spending time with my family. Second, I’m really fascinated by the different places we go to. Every place we Vacation to I like learning a bit about. Third, I just like getting away from home, I love it when we just fly somewhere far away and I don’t have to worry about chores, or any activities I need to do.

My last thing that really matters to me is that I would really like to make myself happy. Everything that I choose to do from today, tomorrow, or even a few years from now, I would really like to do things that will make me happy. When I graduate I would still like to keep in touch with all my friends and have my dream job. I don’t want to grow up to be someone I never dreamed of becoming and be unhappy. I don’t want to be that person that wishes they did this instead of that. I just want to be the girl what isn’t confused and lost in the world and doesn’t hate her life. The main thing is that I want to make decisions and choices by myself and always be happy about everything I have accomplished or anything that I am doing.

In conclusion I have lots of things that really matter to me. I love doing sports, and hobbies around the house. I enjoy school and think its really important for me. My family and the time I spend with them are very important and matters lots to me. Finally, I need to make myself satisfied. If I’m happy doing whatever it is I’m doing, then I’ll hopefully never be unhappy. So… those were the most important things that matter to me, Megan.